The motivation for this study was to help Indian churches in Southern California be more effective in their evangelistic strategies and discipleship efforts in order to produce new converts who are growing in the Lord. The author investigated the conversion and post-conversion experiences of believers who were born and brought up in the Hindu religion. Moreover, he discovered the real issues that these converted believers experienced and, in some cases, are still experiencing. The central understanding to emerge from the study was that the Hindu-background believers’ [HBB] conversion and post-conversion adaptations are gradual. HBBs consider their experiences to be different from those of traditional converts (i.e., those who grew up in the Church). Persistence is required on the part of believers to bring Hindus to Christ. Due to this gradual process, it takes years for Hindus to come to faith in Christ, which affects the growth of Indian churches in Southern California.

Conversion and Post-Conversion Experiences of Hindu-Background Believers with Applications to Local Church Ministry in Southern California
Series: EMS Dissertation Series
Publisher: WCIU Press
Year Published: 2013