The Occasional Bulletin of the Evangelical Missiological Society was published from 1996 to 2020, containing news from the society, tools for missions teaching and practice, and articles on missiology.

Volume 34
THEME: Fall Missions Mashup
The Church of the East in East Asia: Missiological Lessons from the Sixteenth Century Context Paul W. Lewis
Volume 33
THEME: Future Reimaginings of Traditional Pasts
Missional Pilgrim’s Progress in Memory of Her: Representing Women in Adaptations of a Classic Andy Draycott
THEME: EMS First Person
Profile of a Missiologist:Tom Steffen Kenneth Nehrbass
Volume 32
THEME: Mission in a Secularizing World
Secularization and Laïcité in France:What Cross-Cultural Workers Should Know About French Resistance to the Gospel Stephen M. Davis
THEME: Mission Practice Past and Present
The Relevance of Newbigin to Mission and Evangelism in Chile: Preparing now for the “Nones” of the Future Jeff Stevenson
Volume 31
Tributes to Dr. David Hesselgrave
THEME: The Arts, Cross-cultural Planting & Global Missions
The Church, the Arts, and Shaping the World for Christ Mark Harris
Volume 30
Theme: Urban Mission
The Church and Her Mission to the Cities:A Theological Rubric to Evaluate Urban Mission Methods Keelan Cook
Wheaton and the Controversy Over Whether Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God Robert J. Priest
Volume 29
J. Robertson McQuilkin: A Life Remembered Robert J. Priest
Power Encounter—of the Wrong Kind:A Preliminary Phenomenological Survey on Inappropriate Exercise of Power Experienced by Short-Term Missionaries Ant Greenham
Volume 28
Re-envisioning Theological Education 2.0: What is the Role for Silicon Valley? Timothy Bahula
Volume 27
Diaspora Missiology: Reflection and Report Enoch Wan
Vulnerable Mission: An Overview Timothy V. Reeves
Hidden Loss and Grief in the Missionary Life: Charting the Land of Sorrow and Teaching the Language of Grief Kara Suzanne Githens
Volume 26
BAM under $crutiny Christopher R. Little
A Settled Debate? Assessing Spiritual Warfare Past and Present for the 21st Century Cheong Weng Kit
A Tribute to David J. Hesselgrave Craig Ott
Volume 25
Reflections on Scripture in an Oral Culture: Orality, Literacy, and Translation among the Yali (1971-2011) John D. Wilson
Church Planting in the 21st Century Bob Vajko
Transformational Cross-cultural Partnership: Mobilizing Mission Resources for an Urban Context Roger L. Trautmann
Volume 24
“And What Do You Do Here?” A Theology of Vocation and Its Missiological Implications Mans Ramstad
A Missio-Relational Reading of Mark Enoch Wan and Narry Santos
Theology of Missionand theEmerging Church Terrance Steele
Volume 23
Sociological Versus Theological Pluralism:Evaluating “A Common Word” Larry Poston, Nyack College
TheExclusivism/InclusivismDebate and Evangelical Missiology Harold Netland
A Missio-Relational Reading of Romans Enoch Wan
Volume 22
A Tribute to Dr. Ralph D. Winter, 1924-2009 David J. Hesselgrave
Establishing the Church in the Midst of Islam:A Flexible Contextual Approach Kurt Nelson
Shifting to the First Person:On Being Missional Keith E. Eitel
Volume 21
A Prolegomena to Understanding and Evaluating Dr. Ralph Winter’s “Fourth Era Kingdom Mission” David J. Hesselgrave
Wandering Aloud About Membercare and Missiology: What are/should be/could be the roles of behavioral health sciences? Brent Lindquist
Relational Theologyand Relational Missiology Enoch Wan
Volume 20
A Single Priority or Two Commands to Be Obeyed? Steve Strauss
Celebration of Paul Hiebert’s Life Enoch Wan
Smorgasbord Religion Alex G. Smith
Volume 19
The Paradigm of “Relational Realism” Enoch Wan
EMS—You Just Might Be More“Emergent” than You Think! David Livermore
Volume 18
“Managing for Success Bob Strauss
The Discovery of“The Rest of the Story” Gordon Olson
Volume 17
The “Weakest Feature” in Our Work Miriam Adeney
Recognizing World View and its Relationship to Real Gospel Presentation and Understanding Chris Sadowitz
Volume 16
The Missiological Challenge of our Changing Continent Michael Pocock
Training Students to Exegete the City: Using Ethnography to Explore and Evangelize Diverse Urban Cultures John Fude
Frontiers in Contextualizion of the Gospel Among Tibetan Buddhists Paul B. Cochrane
Volume 15
World Religions in Context Dr. Norman E. Allison
Every Ministry Locally Funded because Every Christian is a Maturing Steward Richard D. Allen
Volume 14
Report of the President Kenneth B. Mulholland
Volume 13
Spiritual Warfare and Worldviews Paul G. Hiebert
Buddhism on the Move Dr. Alex Smith
Nichirenists and Christians in Japan — Schisms and Setbacks David J. Hesselgrave
Summer Reflections 2000 Kenneth B. Mulholland
Working Together to Shape the New Millennium Winter, 2000
Volume 12
Evangelical Missiological Society – EMQ Kenneth B. Mulholland
Ten Biblical/Educational Commitments to Guide Missionary Training Dr. Robert Ferris
Four Dimensions of Leadership Training Dr. Ebbie Smith
The Integration of Seminary Curriculum and Missions Vision Dr. Byron Klaus,
Reflections on Becoming Evangelical Dr. James Stamoolis
Reflections on Becoming Orthodox Dr. Ed Rommen
The Triad for Century 21 Paul A. Beals
Volume 11
Perspective is Everything: A Missionary’s Reflection John Fain
An In-Service Training Idea for Church Planters Dave Broucek
Global Consultation on World Evangelization 1997: Presidents and Academic Deans Declaration Kenneth B. Mulholland
Volume 10
Rethinking the Role of Narrative in Mission Training Tom Steffen
Holistic Christianity? Yes! Holistic Mission? No! … and Yes! David J. Hesselgrave
Paul: The Nonprofessional Missionary Jim Reapsome
Volume 9
A Vision for EMS: Increased Momentum and Sharper Focus Kenneth B. Mulholland
The Re-Amateurization of Missions Ralph D. Winter